Indian Veterinary Council Act, 1984 (52 of 1984) was enacted in 1984 and was published in the Extraordinary Gazette of India dated 21 st August 1984 to regulate veterinary practice and to provide for that purpose, for the establishment of Veterinary Council of India and State Veterinary Councils and the maintenance of Registers of veterinary practitioners and for matters connected therewith.
Subsequent to enactment of the Indian Veterinary Council Act, 1984, the Central Government (Ministry of Agriculture) vide Gazette Notification dated 2 nd August, 1989 for the first time constituted the Veterinary Council of India by nominating the Members as per the provisions of section 4 read with section 3 of the Act. Further, nominations were made by the Central Government from time to time to fill up the vacancies. The first election of Members to the Council under Section 3(3)(g) of the Act was conducted by the Central Government in 1999 and thereafter in 2003.
The Indian Veterinary Council Act, 1984 extended, in the first instance, to the whole of the States of Haryana, Bihar, Orissa, Himachal Pradesh and Rajasthan and to all the Union Territories. Subsequently, different States have adopted the provisions of the Act and as on today the Act stands extended to all the States and UTs except Jammu and Kashmir and Jharkhand.
After enactment of the Indian Veterinary Council Act, 1984, the State Government of Orissa, vide Gazette notification No 46 , Dated 21 st November,1997/ ,KARTIKA,30,1919 for the first time notified rules for establishment of Orissa Veterinary Council.